Parents-to-be seek far and wide for beautiful baby names to honor the little lives they will soon bring into the world. And now, at a time of hope, renewal, and fun, there are so many special new baby name trends to check out. One of our favourite little pockets of sweetness picking up in the baby-name department are names that mean “beloved” or “love” in languages from all over the world.

Whether you pick a straight translation into a language of your heritage (like the Spanish, French, or Italian word for “love”), or select something lesser known with a subtle nod to the theme, there are endless options to consider…and we love them all! Here, our favourite baby names that mean beloved! 

Girl Names That Mean Beloved

Adelpha: Meaning “beloved sister” in Greek, this rare baby name is a gorgeous choice for a second-born child, or any little girl with older siblings. 

Adora: The Latin name translating to “adored” is a slightly offbeat choice that feels both contemporary and elegant.  

Amy: At a time when names popular in other eras are climbing the charts, this ‘50s favourite meaning “beloved” from the French is a contender. 

Annamaria: Any name containing “Mary” or “Maria” fits the bill, but this Italian compound choice has the additional meaning “grace” tacked onto “beloved.” 

Aphrodite: The Greek name of the goddess of love and beauty is a stunning selection for your baby girl.  

Diletta: Italian for “beloved,” this is a unique name you won’t hear often, making it a precious pick for your beloved daughter. 

Ethelmary: As Annamaria (or Annemarie), this two-parter finishes with the “beloved” translation and starts with “noble” for a dual meaning. 

Habibah: Translating to “beloved” in Arabic, it’s an ancient name with modern appeal. 

Imogen: Although its primary association is the Celtic “maiden,” a secondary meaning of this beauty is “the beloved child” with Old English roots. 

Mary/Maria/Marie: As referenced above, the more lovable meaning here is “beloved,” though Mary also means “bitter” and “drop of the sea.” Still, any compound name containing a version of Mary gets the love meaning in. 

Thandie: This name of South African / Xhosan origin translates to “beloved” and rolls off the tongue.

Vida: Better known for its translation to the word “life” in Spanish, Vita is also a Hebrew name that means “love.” 

Boy Names That Mean Beloved

Amatus: This strong sounding Latin name translates to “beloved,” making it a gorgeous pick for your baby boy.  

Caradoc: A rarely heard Welsh name for boys, it holds the meanings “amiable” and “beloved.”  

David: One of the better-known choices on our list, parents all over the world have been imparting this “beloved” Hebrew name on their boys for centuries. Consider Davida for a girl as well.

Dewey/Dewi: These English and Welsh nicknames of Dafyyd (the Welsh version of David) both mean “beloved” as well.

Graziano: A gorgeous Italian name with three meanings and romantic appeal, it makes our list for the “beloved” translation and also carries “pleasing” and “dear” connotations. 

Jeb: Meaning “beloved friend” from the Hebrew, it’s a shortened variation of Jebediah that does well on its own as a one-syllable given name.

Jedidiah: If you like a long and meandering name with biblical roots, consider this classic. The translation is “beloved of the Lord.” An alternate spelling is Jedediah.

Kedric(k): How cute is this English baby name for boys, meaning both “loved” and “royal power?” 

Lennan: A sweet Irish baby boy name translating to “sweetheart, lover,” it also has a vague nod to pop culture thanks to its proximity to John Lennon’s surname. 

Leif: Popular in other parts of the world but less heard here, the Scandinavian name means “dearly loved.” 

Rasmus: The Scandinavian take on the Greek Erasmus, this unique name means “beloved, desired” in both versions. 

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Beloved

Aiko: We love a Japanese baby name, and this cute gender-neutral name meaning “beloved” is no exception. 

Amour/Amore: Simply the name “love” in any European language is a recognisable and romantic choice for a baby boy or girl.

Connelly: Meaning “love” and “friendship” in Irish, it’s the type of name that will be cute on a little kid and refined on an adult.  

Davis: The gender-neutral alternative to David, meaning “beloved” from the Hebrew. 

Esme: Heard more often for girls, but considered gender-neutral, it’s a French name meaning “loved” or “desired.”

Fenmore: The English surname translates to “dear love” and is a unique gender-neutral name to consider.

Jadore: A modern invented name with Millennial appeal, this pretty pick translates to “I love” in French and is probably best recognisable for the Dior association—not a shabby legacy to impart!

Loveday: Chances are this is the first time you’ve seen this sweetie, which means “beloved day” in Cornish/English. It’s a fitting choice for the little one whose birthday makes you a family.

Marion: The French version of Mary is just as lovely for a little boy as it is for a girl, meaning “beloved” as its root name does, too.

Mirren: A Scottish take on Marion that shares the meaning “beloved.”

Paris: Why not name your little one after the City of Love? What a whimsical yet classic way to pay homage to love, travel, and all the chic things. (See more place-inspired names!)

Taffy: As vintage baby names reign supreme, this old-fashioned sounding pick is so sweet and trend-right. It means “beloved friend.”

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More Baby Name Ideas:

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