25 Battle-Ready Baby Names Meaning Warrior

As parents, we hope that our little ones will rise to all of life’s challenges. So, what better way to manifest that for them than with a name meaning warrior? Warrior names symbolise bravery, inner strength, determination, and resilience—all qualities worth imparting on our kids! From ancient legends to modern interpretations, here are some battle-worthy baby names that mean warrior.
Girl Names That Mean Warrior
Alala: Rooted in Greek mythology and meaning “war-like”, Alala is the personification of the battle cry.
Bellatrix: Latin for “female warrior,” this name is as fierce as it is beautiful (though Harry Potter fans will have to overlook its association with the decidedly evil Bellatrix Lestrange!).
Camilla: In Roman mythology, Camilla was a swift-footed warrior maiden.
Clotilda: The German-derived name meaning “famous in battle” will surely make your little one stand out in a sea of Olivias and Emmas.
Freya: The Norse goddess of love and war, Freya embodies feminine power. (See all of our favourite Norse names!)
Gertrude: A name with German roots meaning “spear of strength” melds the fierce with vintage charm. (Love Gertrude? These old-fashioned baby names may also be up your alley!)
Imelda: Of Spanish and German origin, Imelda means “all-encompassing battle.”
Marcella: The lovely Latin name translates to “little warrior” and maintains an air of elegance.
Mathilde: A French name meaning “mighty in battle,” think of this name like adorable armor.
Valeria: Meaning “strong and valiant,” Valeria is a winning name for any baby girl!
Boy Names That Mean Warrior
Armando: A Spanish name meaning “army man.”
Baldwin: Of German origin, this name means “brave friend.”
Duncan: Scottish in origin, this name means “dark warrior.”
Einar: A Norse name meaning “one warrior,” Einar is an original alternative to more popular vowel-led boys’ names (like Ethan, Owen, and Oliver).
Evander: A Greek name meaning “strong man” calls to mind the boxer of the same name.
Finian: Of Irish origin, Finian means “fair warrior.” (See more Irish baby names!)
Gideon: The Hebrew name that means “mighty warrior” brims with old-world charm!
Harold: An Old English name meaning “army leader” shortens cutely to Harry.
Kane: A Celtic name meaning “battle” is a crisp but strong name. (See more short baby names!)
Miles: It’s easy to see why this Latin name meaning “soldier” has been growing in popularity in recent years! Another name to consider: Milo.
Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Warrior
Aeron: A Welsh name meaning “battle” offers an alternative to the more common Aaron and Erin.
Casey: Of Irish origin, Casey means “brave in battle” and is a name that will grow with your little boy or girl.
Devin: The name of Celtic origin meaning “poet warrior” is both soft and tough.
Koa: A Hawaiian name meaning “warrior.”
Louis/Louise: Of French origin, Louis means “famous warrior.”
More Meaningful Baby Names:
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