Inclined Sleepers: Why Are They So Risky?

Inclined sleepers are making headlines lately…and the news is not good. In the US, Graco, Summer Infant, Delta, and Evenflo recalled over 165,000 of these slanted sleepers because this type of product has led to many infant deaths from suffocation. The US government’s announcement comes on the heels of Fisher Price’s massive Rock ‘n Play recall, which knocked almost 5 million of these sleepers off the market in April 2019.
What Makes Inclined Sleepers So Unsafe?
These types of inclined sleepers position babies at a steep and unsafe incline (10-30+ degrees!). They are the proverbial slippery slope. Why are they so dangerous? Because babies’ heads are heavy, and when they inevitably droop down towards the chest, their neck muscles may not be strong enough to lift them back up. The result: The doubling over of the neck or sliding into a restraining belt may potentially cut off their airflow and lead to suffocation or strangulation. But that’s not all. Many of the recalled inclined sleepers also feature plush surfaces or siding that pose an extra suffocation risk.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission received reports of 1,108 incidents related to inclined sleepers between January 2005 and June 2019, including 73 infant deaths. And a subsequent investigation by the CPSC revealed that none of the inclined beds and swings they tested were safe for sleep.
[Brush up on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ safe sleep and SIDS prevention guidelines.]
Though most inclined sleepers have been taken off the market, some stores have continued to carry them and some daycare providers have continued to use them. Plus, the resale market is totally unregulated. It’s important that parents steer clear of these unsafe sleepers, even if that means passing up what looks like a good deal!
The list of recalled incline sleepers include:
- Graco Little Lounger Rocking Seat
- Summer Infant SwaddleMe By Your Bed Sleeper
- Delta Children Beauty Rest Beginnings Incline Sleeper
- Disney Baby Minnie Mouse Incline Sleeper
- Delta Children Deluxe 3-in-1 Activity Rocker, Feeder and Sleeper
- Simmons Kids Beautyrest Deluxe 3-in-1 Activity Rocker, Feeder, and Sleeper
- Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play
- Kids II Rocking Sleeper
Why SNOO is the Safest Alternative to Risky Rocking Beds and Inclined Sleepers
Parenting today—without the help of one’s extended family—is exhausting. New moms and dads often turn to these unsafe rocking products because they’re desperate for sleep!
Clearly, families need to stop using unsafe rocking beds and slanted sleepers, but what’s the alternative? That’s exactly why Happiest Baby spent many years, working with top engineers, to create SNOO. SNOO is not only proven to add sleep (to help tired parents), but is also the safest baby bed ever made—by far.
Unsafe rocking beds and inclined sleepers are a danger because they allow babies to slide or roll into life-threatening positions. On the other hand, SNOO, with its unique, patented swaddle, is the only baby bed that meets the #1 AAP safe sleep recommendation: Keep sleeping babies safely on the back for all naps/all nights.
We’ve Been Asked That If Inclined Sleepers Are Unsafe, Are SNOO Leg Lifters Risky, Too?
That’s a great question and the answer is, “No!” SNOO leg lifters are designed with safety as the goal. Our leg lifters raise a baby’s head—helping to reduce stuffy noses and spitting up—but they only elevate the head 2.5 degrees…that is well under the maximum federally recommended limit of 10 degrees.
We are very proud to share that babies have slept safer in their SNOOs for over 150 million hours. This means that parents can sleep better, too. We want to give every new mom and dad the peace of mind of knowing that their baby will stay safer all naps…and all nights.
Have questions about a Happiest Baby product? Our consultants would be happy to help! Submit your questions here.