Once a tantrum has ended or a misbehaviour has stopped…should you expect your toddler to apologise?

Should Toddlers Say, “I’m Sorry?”

All children need to be taught manners. But apologising after a misdeed may take a few years to learn. In general, quiet, shy kids learn to apologise faster than stubborn, challenging kids.

Try this instead: After your child misbehaves, ask for an apology, but don’t insist on one. Making a huge issue about saying “sorry” only invites a power struggle. (Mum: “Say you’re sorry!” Child: “No, you can’t make me!” Mum: “I’m warning you!”) You want to avoid battles you can’t win…and forcing your tot to apologise is impossible if he really digs in his heels.

If your child shows no regret, then it may be time for a little kind ignoring. Say, “You’re still mad! You say, ‘No way, I don’t want to say I’m sorry!’ Okay, sweetheart, I’ll check on you in a minute and see how you’re feeling." 

How to Encourage Your Toddler to Apologise

Plant seeds of kindness by pointing out when other people apologise and include apologies in your fairy tales and role-playing. 

If your child does apologise, don’t make a big deal out of it. Simply say “Thanks.” But, later on, gossip to his toys or Grandma about how good you feel when he says he’s sorry. And praise him during your bedtime sweet talk routine

And of course, lead by example! Parents may feel like they have to know it all or get it right the first time…but that’s not real life. Like kids, adults are human, and we all make mistakes. So, the next time you lose your temper with your tot or snap at your partner, you can show your child just how powerful those two little magic words—I’m sorry—can be by using them yourself.

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