Three Babies, Three SNOOs...No Problem!

Jill Silver was only planning to have one baby… but then she found out she was pregnant with triplets.
“It was a little bit of shock, a little bit of horror, a little bit of excitement,” Jill said.
While Jill’s belly grew, she spent time preparing for motherhood. A friend recommended that Jill read The Happiest Baby On The Block. That same friend sent her a link to information about SNOO. Jill immediately started watching videos of babies in the SNOO and was excited. After all, Jill and her husband Joel were the most worried about the sleep deprivation they were sure would come with parenthood.
“The only thing we really stressed about was sleep,” she said. “And everybody had something to say like ‘oh, you’re never gonna sleep again.’”
And the Silvers had to buy three SNOOs. Jill and Joel “mulled it over” before deciding extra sleep was worth the money. As attorneys, they need all the rest they can get.
A 24/7 Helper for Busy Parents
Marlowe, Isla and Harlen were born prematurely at 32 weeks old after Jill spent five weeks in the hospital (she had developed preeclampsia). But the hospital days weren’t finished for the Silvers – the babies spent 6 weeks in the NICU before heading home to their SNOOs.
Jill was excited to be able to use SNOO sacks with the girls because both she and Joel are “awful swaddlers” who couldn’t get the hang of the technique in the hospital.
“It was literally worth every penny,” Silver said. “When they came home from the NICU, they immediately went in their SNOOs and they just did really well. At two months old, they were only getting up once per night.”
In the Groove With Triplets
Throughout her pregnancy, Silver and her husband worried about sleep deprivation but after a few weeks home with the girls in their SNOOs, Silver said they began thinking “hey, maybe this isn’t so bad.” With the help of Jill’s mother, who stays with them during the week to help with the babies, and an au pair, the couple has gotten into a groove as a family of five.
One of the main ways they keep that groove is by sticking to a schedule.
“We live and die by the schedule,” Jill said. “They’re all on the same schedule even when they don’t want to be.”
Now, the girls are 17 months old and each have their own little personalities. Marlow is the “observer and thinker” who likes to take things apart and put them back together. Isla “always wants to be on the go” and spends her time scooting backwards to get around. Harlen is a “cuddler and talker” who is content to sit with her parents or grandparents and play with toys.
Now that they’ve passed the SNOO stage, Jill is preparing for the next stage with her family.
“Are three toddlers or three teenagers harder? I guess I’ll find out.”
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