Chip Gaines Gifts SNOO to Mom Who Struggled with Fertility

When HGTV’s Fixer Upper star, Chip Gaines, posted on Instagram lamenting that his infant son, Crew, had grown so big he could barely fit into his SNOO, helpful suggestions started pouring in. Thousands of fans posted advice from suggesting the Gaines family have another baby to re-fill their SNOO to some expecting couples saying they’d LOVE to take it off their hands.
Among the followers posting from all across America, Kelly Clagget asked, "Please, sell it to me! After 12 years, my husband and I are FINALLY expecting!!" Kelly was shocked when Chip responded…YES! "We’re so excited for you!" and he tagged his assistant to get the ball rolling.
For Kelly, who struggled to have a baby for more than a decade, it was the cherry on top of a dream come true. She and her husband Brad own a food truck, daycare and farm together. And, they’re thrilled to add welcoming a baby…to their labors of love.
"I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Always," Kelly said.
But, it was not an easy road. After trying for years, they sought medical advice and started taking healthy supplements with the hope of boosting the chances of pregnancy. But, supplements gave her migraines that left her unable to watch the kids at the daycare. Brad told her, "Let's just keep praying about it. If God wants us to have a baby, we will have one."
Kelly grew more and more disheartened by the whole process. The couple began exploring fertility treatments and adoption services, but suddenly, in December, they discovered that she was pregnant.
"I went out and bought 10 pregnancy tests and lined them all up, and they all said positive," Kelly giggled. "We could not be happier. Brad said he really believed we were going to have a baby… and sure enough!"
A few days after the Instagram exchange, the SNOO that baby Crew had outgrown arrived at Kelly and Brad's house. The Gaineses gifted it to Kelly, even though she offered to pay for it.
Kelly’s been getting more and more excited watching SNOO videos online and said she's most thrilled about "the soothing aspect."
"SNOO is something that can help me soothe the baby," Kelly said. "At the daycare, so many parents say they have to drive their babies around in a car to get them to sleep, and as soon as I saw SNOO I was like, 'oh my gosh, they've made something that is like putting the babies in the car!’"
Kelly and Brad have been feathering their nest as they await the arrival of their little bundle of joy. With SNOO, she feels totally equipped by having "an aid in soothing the baby."
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