Extended Breastfeeding—What to Know About Breastfeeding Beyond a Year

The milk in your fridge may have an expiration date…but there’s no expiration date on breastfeeding! Most experts recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and to continue some breastfeeding for at least a year—but that doesn’t mean you can’t breastfeed beyond a year, which is known as extended breastfeeding.
In Australia, more than 90% of women breastfeeding for any amount of time. At 12 months, 28% of children were still being breastfed; at 18 months, 9% of children; and at 24 months, 5% were still being breastfed. Of course, just because most Australian mums don’t breastfeed past a year, that doesn’t mean they have to throw in the proverbial towel (or the nursing tops) at 12 months on the dot. In fact, globally, the average weaning age is over 3 years of age. The World Health recommends breastfeeding for 2 years and suggests that it’s “natural” to wean even after 2 years.
The Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding
If we look at how all human babies have survived over the millennia, breastfeeding was key! Breast milk provides the perfect nutrition for babies with the right fats, proteins, and immune boosters. Plus, breastfeeding can be a convenient, inexpensive, pure, clean, way to give your baby those nutrients…while also helping her shed baby weight, and possibly reducing her risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Even without the health benefits, it’s a beautiful way to bond with your little one.
The Challenges of Extended Breastfeeding
There aren’t serious health drawbacks to extended breastfeeding, but there are hurdles that make breastfeeding beyond a year challenging, and there are plenty of reasons why a mother might feel it’s in her or her child’s interest to stop breastfeeding before a year.
For one, breastfeeding literally takes a lot out of a parent! Modern parents are juggling more than ever—with less help than ever—and breastfeeding can demand a lot of time and energy. Not to mention, after 9 months of gestation and then another year-plus of breastfeeding, you might want to have complete control over your body again!
There are also logistical challenges of extended breastfeeding. Lack of pumping accommodations might make breastfeeding too hard to keep up with once she’s back at work. A baby may be too distracted or may have lost interest in breastfeeding, or a mum may want to get pregnant again (usually you start to ovulate again once you start adding other foods to you baby’s diet). Occasionally parents are told to stop breastfeeding because the baby may develop severe dental caries (tooth decay) if on the breast for prolonged feeds (meaning suckling for 30+ minutes over and over during the night).
Because extended breastfeeding isn’t the cultural norm in Australia, parents may feel embarrassed or face social pressure to stop. People tend to have a lot of opinions about breastfeeding!
How to Handle Extended Breastfeeding Criticism
Remember, you don’t owe anyone an explanation…breastfeeding is one of the most natural things a mother can do. When dealing with naysayers close to you, you can be considerate and hear their concerns, and then you can let them know that, according to medical experts, it’s completely normal for a child to breastfeed beyond a year (and that around the world many mothers breastfeed two years…or more!).
You can also fill them in on all of the benefits of breastfeeding for both mums and babies. Or, if you’re feeling a little cheeky, tell your critics that your doctor said your child has a special condition that makes your milk the recommended nutrition…and that condition is called infancy!
Bottom line: Don’t let your critics deter you. If you love extended breastfeeding, feel free to keep going! Breastfeeding past a year can be a wonderful way to bond with your baby while offering some supplemental nutrients. And, if it feels like a slog, consider that it might be time to make a plan to wean. Whether you decide to stick with extended breastfeeding or stop, make sure you’re making the decision that feels right to you!
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