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9-Month Sleep Regression: What It Is and How to Handle It
Around 9 months, a baby who previously was a good sleeper may start to wake at night…welcome to the 9-month sleep regression! Here’s what it is and how to handle it.
What to Do When Your Baby Won't Sleep Unless Held
This common struggle exhausts parents and makes them feel…stuck.
What Are Wake Windows?
Timing is everything…especially when it comes to sleep! Here is how to use wake windows to pinpoint your baby’s ideal sleep schedule.
When Do Babies Start Sleeping Through the Night?
You may have heard that most babies start sleeping through the night at 3 months old. Guess what? That is mostly untrue! Learn when you can really expect your baby to snooze all night long.
The Baby Sleep Advice All Parents Need
No matter if you are looking to set Baby’s sleep schedule, struggling with sleep regression, or trying to master getting your little one down for the night, Dr. Harvey Karp has the help you need!