Never, Ever Leave a Baby Alone on a Bed
I have few "rules" for parents, but this is one of them: Never leave your baby unattended on an adult bed...even if she is just two weeks old . . . even if she has never rolled before . . . even if you will only be away for a second!
Five-month-old Martin and his parents were on a long-awaited vacation. Maja and Dimitri had rented a room in a rustic old inn. It was high on a hill with views over the town, it had high ceilings and a beautiful stone floor.
As the family unpacked their bags, they placed Martin in the middle of the huge bed and turned their backs for a few seconds. Suddenly, there was a thud and a scream. Martin had rolled off the bed and fallen—headfirst—onto the stone pavers.
Feeling terrified and guilty, they spent all night in an ER with their baby. They had to rely on unknown doctors, and Martin got blood tests and brain scans. Martin suffered a huge blood blister under his skin, but fortunately, there was no fracture or bleeding inside the brain.
I have seen many, many babies in my office who fell off their parents’ beds. And, unfortunately, not all of them were as lucky as Martin.
In the rush of life, we sometimes get a sense of false security if we take a risk for a brief moment, things will be okay. Leaving your baby alone on a bed—or a changing table—is too big a risk to take. Your baby is much safer on the floor. Just lay down a towel or a blanket, but just make sure your little one is not near any wires, cords or other hazards.
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