If you’re confused about whether it’s safe to let your baby sleep all night in a car seat, you're not alone. It’s only recently (Oct. 2016) that the American Academy of Pediatrics added sleeping in car seats for long stretches to its list of unsafe sleeping practices. What’s the danger? 

The danger comes from letting your baby sleep seated upright or on an incline. “When your baby is seated, her heavy head can fall forward causing difficulty breathing…and even suffocation,” explains Dr. Harvey Karp. “That’s why car seats—outside of moving cars—are not safe for naps or overnight sleep for the first 6 months of life.” 

The same risk comes from upright strollers and baby swings. The good news is that an entirely flat swing—like SNOO Smart Sleeper—is a perfectly safe way to boost your baby’s sleep with the womb-like rocking all infants love. 

That said, don’t panic if your baby dozes off in the car. The droning sounds of the engine remind your little one of the womb—and may help send her into slumberland. And, the jiggly movements seems to keep babies stimulated enough to promote breathing. However, the AAP recommends that you move your child to a flat, firm sleeping surface as soon as you leave the car.

That said, don’t panic if your baby dozes off in the car. The droning sounds of the engine remind your little one of the womb—and may help send her into slumberland. And, the jiggly movements seems to keep babies stimulated enough to promote breathing. However, the AAP recommends that you move your child to a flat, firm sleeping surface as soon as you leave the car.

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