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Don’t Believe It! Common Myths About Toddler Sleep

Don’t Believe It! Common Myths About Toddler Sleep

Friends and relatives are full of advice. Of course they’re all very well-meaning, but sometimes they’re just flat-out wrong! Here are some of the most common myths you may hear them promoting: MYTH 1: It’s normal for little kids to sleep alone. FACT: Who really wants to sleep alone?  In most cultures, young chil­dren sleep with their siblings or parents for years. Parents are often surprised to learn that bed-sharing increases with age! At three years, 22 percent of kids...

Don’t Believe It! 4 More Common Myths About Toddler Sleep

Don’t Believe It! 4 More Common Myths About Toddler Sleep

Besides the 5 common myths discussed in another article, I wanted to share 4 more misconceptions that your friends and relatives might try to convince you about: MYTH 5: Toddlers should give up their pacifiers, especially at night. FACT: It’s normal and very comforting to toddlers to suck. In most basic cultures, kids still suckle at the breast until they’re three or four years old. Pacifiers can promote a child’s confidence and ability to self-soothe in the middle of the...