Posts tagged
What is an Episiotomy and How Can I Avoid Needing One?
Episiotomies used to be done routinely...but how do doctors feel about them now?
When Should a Newborn Baby Get the First Bath?
Scrub-a-dub-dub! It’s time for your newborn to get all clean.
What is Postpartum Depression?
When you think of depression, you usually think of sadness and crying…but PPD is different in many ways.
What Can My Baby See and Hear Inside the Womb?
Many expecting parents play Mozart to make their baby smarter....while there’s no real science to support that, your baby can hear and see inside the womb!
How Common Is It to Have a Bowel Movement During Delivery?
It might feel embarrassing to ask...but, is pooping while in labor normal? Learn about what to expect.
Do Newborns Need a Hepatitis B Shot?
There's a lot of questions you may have about procedures after your baby is born like: "Is a Hepatitis B Shot necessary?"