8 Weeks Pregnant: Hang that Ultrasound Up!

8 Weeks Pregnant: About Your Body
Congrats! You’re wrapping up your 2nd month of pregnancy! It may be starting to feel very real to you now, as it’s likely you’ll have your first doctor’s visit to confirm the pregnancy, see your little gummy bear in an ultrasound and hear the whoosh, whoosh, whoosh of your baby’s tiny heartbeat!
During your first visit, be sure to ask your doctor any questions you may have about the impending changes coming to your body (and life!)…even if you think they’re silly.
Topics to discuss with your caregiver on this visit:
- OTC medicines you can take (and ones you should avoid)
- Foods to skip during pregnancy (learn the short list of foods to avoid)
- Any symptoms or changes you’ve noticed with your body
By now you may be starting to feel some of these symptoms:
Morning Sickness
Nausea and vomiting are due to the surge of progesterone in your body. Food and smell aversions may also begin to present themselves. If you’re suffering from nausea, there are some remedies that might help settle your stomach. These include crackers (simple carbs can do the trick to settle nausea…you may even want to keep some by your bed); ginger (an effective remedy for many people), especially with sugar (crystalized ginger, ginger ale, ginger chews or lozenges); and drinking lots of water. If your situation is really bothering you or you have a dry “cotton” mouth, your healthcare provider may prescribe medication to help. Be sure to ask!
Bloating & Diarrhea
Thanks to the same hormones that cause nausea, your digestive system may also be very wonky. Fortunately, these symptoms usually improve by the second trimester.
Your body is working very hard! Even though your baby is still small there are BIG changes happening, so make sure you’re getting plenty of rest. Listen to your body when it’s telling you it needs a break.
8 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Update
Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds...and so are you! This week, your uterus is about the size of a grapefruit. It is still low in your pelvis but will continue to increase in size and eventually reach all the way up to your belly button…and higher.
Safely nestled within this strong muscle, your baby’s movements are just beginning to flicker. She may even kick or jump if she’s startled (although you can’t feel these movements yet!).
She’s starting to look more and more like a real (miniature) baby. Her knees, elbows and ears are appearing, and her fingers and toes are no longer webbed together like a little duckling. She even has eyelids, but her eyes will remain shut for about 20 more weeks.
A To-Do List for Your 8th Week of Pregnancy
Write down a list of questions to ask the doctor during your first pre-natal visit
Discuss with your partner when is the right time to announce your pregnancy! Many couples prefer to wait until the 2nd trimester because the risk of miscarriage significantly decreases. However, it’s a personal choice!
Take care of YOU and your baby—listen to your body and continue to make healthy choices: Eat right, drink plenty of water and continue to exercise.
Myth or Fact?
Mosquitos prefer pregnant women.
A few studies suggest that yes, pregnant women appear to be about twice as alluring to mosquitoes than non-pregnant women, although we don’t know why. It could be increased body temperature, or it could be that you are breathing more, and thus expelling more carbon dioxide (which the bugs flock towards). Mosquitos also seem to discriminate by blood type, preferring type O over types A and B. To repel mosquitos naturally, try oil of lemon eucalyptus. You can also use DEET, but don’t put it directly on your skin (because some of it gets absorbed). It’s better to dab a bit on your socks, pant cuffs or neck of your shirt.
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