New mamas, from the beginning of time and from all parts of the world, have relied on family and community support to succeed at breastfeeding their children. And, though all new parents could certainly use help, Black mothers face more barriers than white mothers when it comes to their breastfeeding journeys.

Because of these hurdles that exist for Black breastfeeding mothers, Black parents may find support—whether in the form of virtual communities or educational resources—particularly helpful. While mums can look to their experienced friends or doctors for support, there are also professional breastfeeding consultants who can help, and organizations like La Leche League (LLL) that have lots information and can help you find a local group near you. And, there are an increasing number of resources out there specifically for Black breastfeeding mamas….

Organizations That Support Black Breastfeeding

Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association

With the goal of reducing the racial disparities in breastfeeding, this nonprofit organization shares support (check out their Zoom Breastfeeding Club and virtual info sessions), educational materials, and other resources that help promote breastfeeding success among Black parents.

Soulfood 4 Your Baby

Based in Los Angeles, this organization boosts breastfeeding rates among Black parents by offering online support groups and other resources that support the surrounding community.

Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere

ROSE combats the racial disparities in breastfeeding with networking opportunities and resources for Black breastfeeding mums.

Black Breastfeeding Week

Watch this space! Every year, this hub is the spot to find information and events in honor of Black Breastfeeding week. Events have gone all virtual this year—which means mamas from all over can partake.

Mocha Manual

The resources for Black parents provided by Mocha Manual author Kimberly Sears Allen extend far beyond breastfeeding. And, within the site you’ll find BB360, a comprehensive resource guide and stories from real mums.

Black Women Do Breastfeed

This blog highlights Black breastfeeding stories in order to boost the visibility of Black breastfeeding mamas.

Black Breastfeeding Social Media Communities

Breastfeeding Support Group for Black Mums 

Nearly 100K members strong, this Facebook group provides mum-to-mum support and evidenced-based information. You can also check them out on Instagram: @melanatedmilkies.

Black Mums Breastfeed

Run by the registered nurse and blogger behind TaeMama, this Instagram account showcases Black breastfeeding in action through beautiful photos of real mamas.

Black Breastfeeding Circle of Mamas

This virtual circle of mums is another evidenced-based Facebook group that supports Black breastfeeding mums.

Black Pumping Mamas

This active Facebook community provides support and advices specifically about pumping for exclusively pumping mamas…as well as parents who are supplementing nursing with pumping.

Related reading:

Is there a Black breastfeeding organization or online community that you love? Let us know in the comments!

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, mothers eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast- and bottle-feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of a mother's breastmilk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. If you do decide to use infant formula, you should follow instructions carefully.